- Author
- Williams, B. A. | Fleming, J. W.
- Title
- On the Suitability of CF3Br as a Benchmark for Replacement Fire Suppressants.
- Coporate
- Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
- Distribution
- For more information contact: Center for Global Environmental Technologies, New Mexico Engineering Research Institute, University of New Mexico, 901 University Blvd., SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106-4339 USA. Telephone: 505-272-7250, Fax: 505-272-7203. WEB: http://nmeri.unm.edu/cget/confinfo.htm
- Book or Conf
- Halon Options Technical Working Conference. Proceedings. HOTWC 2001. Sponsored by: University of New Mexico, Fire Suppression Systems Assoc., Fire and Safety Group, GlobeTech, Inc., Halon Alternative Research Corp., Hughes Associates, Inc., Kidde plc., Modular Protection, Corp., Next Generation Fire Suppression Technology Program, Sandia National Laboratories, Summit Environmental Corp., Inc. and 3M Specialty Materials. April 24-26, 2001, Albuquerque, NM, Daniels, B. L.; Cole, D. G., Editors, 144-154 p., 2001
- Keywords
- halon alternatives | fire protection | fire suppression | premixed flames | burning velocity | flame speed | flame temperature | flame extinguishment | chemical agents | flame structure | halons
- Identifiers
- burning velocities and species profiles in inhibited premixed flames; combined effectsof mixtures of agents; correlation of burning velocities, final flame temperature, and radical concentrations; changes in flame structure due to different agents