- Author
- Thimons, E. D. | Kohler, J. L.
- Title
- Measurement of Air Velocity in Mines.
- Coporate
- Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA
- Report
- RI 8971, 1985, 29 p.
- Keywords
- mine ventilation | air velocity | vortex shedding
- Abstract
- This Bureau of Mines investigation addressed two primary issues of air velocity measurement in mines: the determination and use of correction factors, and the deveopment of guidelines for the selection of a suitable site at which the measurements should be taken. Other facets of the investigation included a comparison of measurement methods and devices, and aircourse cross-sectional area measurement. The study consisted of theoretical, laboratory, and in-mine investigations. The measurement devices included in the experimental phase were vane anemometer, vortex shedding anemometer, a prototype thermoanemometer, smoke tube, and oil of wintergreen sprayer. The measurement methods included single-point centerline, timed-point traverse, continuous traverse for the anemometers, and various distances and cloud positions for the smoke tube and oil of wintergreen devices. The study resulted in guidelines for measurement site selection that are applicable to most in-mine situations. It also showed that the use of correction factors is problematic. There are many potential pitfalls and there are cogent arguments against using certain correction factors. However, generalized correction factors were developed that can be successfully applied in routine ventilation work, provided that their use is properly understood.