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Steinhyaus, F. R.
Sprinkleranlagen: eine Langfristanalyse. [Sprinkler Systems: A Long-Term Analysis.]
VFDB, Vol. 40, No. 3, 125-127, September 1991
sprinkler systems | fire damage | water damage | fire protection
[ABSTRACT IN ENGLIGH] The experiences with sprinkler systems used in industry for about 20 years are shown. The analysis is based on over 50 sprinkler systems with more than 300,000 single sprinklers. The different areas, the periphery of usage and the economical results of sprinkler protection is described. By comparison with appropriate unprotected areas conclusions can be made concerning efficiency, economy, success of extinguishing and range of damage. Interesting aspects of permanently arising difficulties - fire damage/water damage - up to connected retension of water are further results of this study. The report finally gives decision criterions for fire protection on projects planned in future.