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Achenbach, P. R. | Tierney, E. M.
Study of a Baseborad Convector Heating System in a Test Bungalow.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
BMS 115, August 1, 1949, 22 p.
heating | tests | temperature distribution | pipes | temperature differences | water flow
The temperature distribution produced by a baseboard convector heating system was observed in a 4-room Test Bungalow on the grounds of the National Bureau of Standards. The distribution system consisted of finned sections of iron pipe placed beneath the windows, standard iron pipe connecting the finned elements in a continuous loop around the house at the baseboard level, and a hot-water boiler loacated on the first floor. The vertical temperature differences, room-to-room temperature differences, heat loss of the house, and the heat emission per unit length of finned pipe were observed for a range of outside air temperatures. In addition, the control of room temperature provided by an electric room thermostat and by an outdoor-thermostat control and modulating water-flow valve were compared for steady outside air temperatures. The characteristics of the outdoor-thermostat control and modulating water-flow valve were also studied for transient outside air temperatures and under pick-up conditions indoors.