FireDOC Search

Parker, J. S.
Staffing and Tactics for Firefighter Survival.
Fire Engineering, Vol. 163, No. 4, 173-176,178-185,187-192, April 2010
fire fighters | survival | death | fire statistics | protective equipment | NFPA 1710 | NFPA 1720 | NFPA 1500 | risk analysis | fire fatalities | structures | decision making | prefire planning | basements | floors | fire fighting | fire fighting equipment | water | structural members | rescue | fire alarm systems | electrical equipment
Rapid Intervention Team (RIT); Incident Command (IC); death inside and outside of structures; fatalities 1977-2007 fire fighter fatalities vs. all fires; fatalities 1977-2007 fire fighter fatalities vs. structure fires; NIOSH fire fighter fatality reports; top 25 fire fighter fatality factors in structure fires