FireDOC Search

DeSouza, B. P. | Lloyd, J. R. | Yang, K. T.
Numerical Simulations of the Effect of Ventilation Control on Fire and Smoke Spread in Aircraft Cabins.
Notre Dame Univ., IN
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
simulation | fire spread | smoke spread | numerical analysis | computer programs | ventilation | aircraft compartments | ceiling vents
The effects of ceiling and floor vents on the spread of fire and smoke in a simulated aircraft fuselae are studied numerically. The cabin contains six rows of seats of two different configurations: closed bottom situation where the seat bottoms rest on the floor and an open bottom situation where the seats are positioned off the floor. Various combinations of injection and suction at the floor and ceiling vents at two different venting rates with the simulated fire present between the middle seats are utilized in the simulation. It is shown that different venting combinations affect the venting of hot gases in the cabin significantly.