FireDOC Search

Massa, L.
Spatial Linear Analysis of the Flow in a Solid Rocket Motor With Burning Walls.
Texas Univ., Arlington
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 4, 865-888, April 2009
solid rocket motors | solid propellants | solid rocket propellants | combustion | temperature | geometry | equations | transport models | burning rate | velocity | pressure effects | sensitivity | flame temperature | temperature effects
properties of solid ingredients; burning characteristics of propellant mixes at 30 atm; flame and flow properties of pure propellant and homogeneous mixes at 30 atm; core flow process and combustion sublayer process in a rocket chamber flow; Chebyshev tau method; chamber propellant interaction; propellant mixes; coupling effect on the growth rate; perturbation burn rate; pressure exponent effect; cold temperature sensitivity effect