FireDOC Search

Ndubizu, C. C. | Ananth, R. | Tatem, P. A.
Experimental Study of Water Mist Suppression of a Boundary Layer Flame Over a Non-Charring Solid.
GEO-Centers, Inc., Fort Washington, MD Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
Book or Conf
Fire Suppression Technologies Workshop. February 24-27, 2003, Mobile, AL, 103 p., 2003
fire suppression | water mist | boundary layers | charring | solids | polymethyl methacrylate | wind tunnels | regression rate | temperature profiles | nozzles
small boundary layer flames; study the controlling mechanisms in water mist suppression of forced convection boundary layer flame; determine the effects of key mist parameters (e.g. droplet size distribution) on the suppression effectiveness