- Author
- Avbel, J. A.
- Title
- Aircraft Fuel System Tests With Gelled Fuel-Flowmeter Calibration, Fuel Boost Pump and Jettison Tests. Final Report. December 1971-November 1972.
- Coporate
- Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City Airport, NJ
- Sponsor
- Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC
- Report
- FAA-RD-73-138, November 1973, 27 p.
- Contract
- 181-520-020
- Keywords
- aircraft fuels | gelled fuels | crash fires | aircraft fires | antimisting fuels | fire safety | methodology | flow rate
- Identifiers
- controlled flammability fuels; test of B-57 Wing Tank Fuel System
- Abstract
- The feasibility of using gelled fuel (nominal 250 centipoise viscosity) with full scale aircraft fuel system components was investigated. Tests indicated that turbine-type flowmeters are suitable for measuring flow rates with accuracties of 1 percent. Jettison and fuel feed operations were conducted using a B-57 wing fuel tank. Approximately 3 percent more gelled fuel than JP-5R remained in the tank after "emptying" the tank in both boost pump and jettison tests. Flow rates and times to "empty" the tank were significantly poorer with the gelled fuel when compared to the results obtained with the JP-5R fuel. The gelled fuel tested is considered unsatisfactory because of its instability in storage, causing wide varitions in viscosity.