FireDOC Search

Madrzykowski, D. | Hamins, A. | Mehta, S.
Residential Kitchen Fire Suppression Research Needs: Workshop Proceedings.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC
NIST SP 1066; NIST Special Publication 1066, February 2007, 65 p.
Book or Conf
Residential Kitchen Fire Suppression Research Needs: Workshop Proceedings. April 11, 2006, Gaithersburg, MD, ['2007', '2003']
kitchens | fire suppression | residential buildings | test methods | fire protection | standards | codes | fire departments | cooking fires | UL 300A | fire data | fire prevention
fire safety in residences; application of localized suppression systems in residences; analysis of kitchen fire data; characterization of the performance of suppression systems; recent developments in suppression system technologies; role of standards; Federal agency activity; opportunities for collaboration
The Workshop on Residential Kitchen Fire Suppression Research Needs was held on April 11, 2006, at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD. The Workshop provided a forum to discuss test methods, technologies, and research and development that can significantly improve residential fire protection, with emphasis on residential kitchen applications. The Workshop program included representatives from standards, codes, testing, and research organizations, the fire protection industry, the fire service, and federal government agencies. In total, 30 people attended. The goal of the conference was to identify barriers that impede advances in the application of localized suppression systems in residences. In this regard, the Workshop explored: recent developments in suppression system technologies, characterization of the performance of residential kitchen fire suppression systems, the role of federal agencies and standards groups, and opportunities for collaboration. The workshop attendees were divided into two breakout groups to discuss the following questions: (*) What is needed to reduce losses from kitchen fires? * Focus on prevention? * Focus on suppression? (*) What are the prioritized research needs for kitchen fires? (*) What needs to be done in order to place effective retrofit systems into a significant number of homes? The results of each group's deliberations were discussed when the full Workshop reconvened. The responses from each group were considered and listed so that attendees could vote on the issues that they felt were most important. Attendees were grouped by their affiliation with the standards, codes, testing and research organizations, or the fire protection industry, or the fire service for purposes of voting.