FireDOC Search

National Communications System
Hinsdale, Illinois Telecommunications Outage, May 8, 1988.
National Communications System, Washington, DC
telecommunications | communication networks | building fires | office buildings | impact | telephones | fire investigations | emergencies | effectiveness | cables | cable trays | smoke | communication equipment | electrical faults | electrical power | carbon monoxide | fire fighting | fire fighters | fire departments
Hinsdale Central Office (HCO), Illinois Bell Telephone (IBT), Chicago, Illinois, May 8, 1988; communication facilities and networks; communications outage; effects of National Security Emergency Preparedness (NSEP) telecommunications; carrier response; NSEP user response; OMNCS and National Coordinating Center (NCC) response; restoration priority system; RP data base and service restoration guidelines for NSEP users; nongovernment users/services; telecommunication technological developments; national mechanisms