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Buschmeier, M. | Mulroy, W. | Didion, D. A.
Initial Laboratory Evaluation of a Single Solution Circuit Cycle for Use With Nonazeotropic Refrigerants.
Universitaet Hannover, West Germany National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN
NISTIR 4406, October 1990, 46 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
air conditioning | capacity modulation | heat pumping | nonazeotropic refrigerants | refrigeration cycles | refrigerant mixtures | single solution circuit | vapor compression cycle
Tests were conducted at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards) to evaluate a single solution circuit cycle for use with nonazeotropic refrigerant mixtures. The single solution circuit cycle incorporates a liquid refrigerant pump in parallel with a compressor. This allows separate control of refrigerant compositon to match load and of refrigerant temperature change (glide) in the two-phase region to match the heat source or sink temperature glide. Load matching by composition shifting to match light loads to the extent possible with the tested mixture (R22/R11) was found to be an inefficient air conditioning mode control strategy. Nonlinearity of enthalpy vs. temperature in the two-phase region of the R22/R11 limited the efficiency gains possible by glide matching to a 19% improvement over pure R22. The cycle did function as intended, allowing glide matching over a wide composition change. It is felt that with a more linear refrigerant, substantial efficiency gains over the normal vapor compression cycle would be possible for applications in which the heat source and sink glides vary substantially with load.