- Author
- Johsnon, L. W., Jr. | Smith, D. G. | Harris, D. J. | Down, H. W.
- Title
- Prototyping and Testing of a Cabin Fire Extinguishing System for the Model E-2 Airplane. First Report. Final Report.
- Coporate
- Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, MD
- Report
- NATC-ST-16R-73, February 15, 1973, 158 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ONLY
- Keywords
- aircraft compartments | fire extinguishing agents | halon 1301 | inert gases | installing | test methods
- Abstract
- A prototype inert gas (Halon 1301) fire extinguishing system for the cabin of the E-2B airplane was evaluated under representative operational conditions. Within the scope of testing, the installation of the prototype inert gas fire extinguishing system provided a safe and effective means to extinguish a fire in the forward equipment and Combat Information Center compartments with subsequent sustained cabin inerting for up to five (5) minutes to prevent re-ignition. It is recommended that a Halon 1301 fire extinguishing system with the same basic configuration as the tested prototype be incorporated into the E-2 airplane utilizing a manual actuation method. It is further recommended that testing be accomplished on the first production article.