- Author
- Ohtani, H. | Washimi, A. | Uehara, Y.
- Title
- Experimental Study of Peak Concentrations of Halon Alternatives at Elevated Temperature.
- Coporate
- Yokohama National Univ., Japan
- Journal
- Journal of Applied Fire Science, Vol. 9, No. 3, 237-250, 1999-2000
- Keywords
- halon alternatives | temperature | halons | fire extinguishers | experiments | flammability | carbon | hydrogen | environmental effects | combustion products | gas mixtures | hydrocarbons | methane | halon 1301
- Identifiers
- maximum explosion pressure; effect of carbon atom number; peak concentrations for fire suppressants; effecy of hydrogen atom number; effect of environmental temperature; combustion products of CH4/halogenated fire suppressant/air mixture; relationship between fire suppressant concentration and generated HF; predicted combustion products by chemical equilibrium