FireDOC Search

Gross, D. | Haberman, W. L.
Analysis and Prediction of Air Leakage Through Door Assemblies.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Book or Conf
U.S./Japan Government Cooperative Program on Natural Resources (UJNR). Fire Research and Safety. 10th Joint Panal Meeting. June 9-10, Tsukuba, Japan, 129-131 pp AND International Association for Fire Safety Sciences. Fire Safety Science. Proceeding. 2nd International Symposium. June 13-17, 1988, TH9112.F4626 1989, Tokyo, Japan, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., New York,Wakamatsu, T., Hasemi, Y., Sekizawa, A., Seeger, P. G., Pagni, P. J. and Grant, C. E. Editor(s), 169-178 pp, 1989 pp, 1989
door assemblies | air leakage | air flow
A generalized relationship is presented for determining air flow rates through narrow gaps around door edges. The relationship provides values of leakage rates for steady, laminar flow through gaps over a wide range of pressure differences and eliminates approximations associated with the often inappropriate use of discharge coefficients and exponents in the flow equation. The analysis covers straight-through, single bend and double bend gaps of constant thickness, as well as connected gaps of constant thickness. Comparison of measured flow rates for installed stairwell door assemblies with those predicted by use of the relationship shows agreement within 20 percent. The volumetric flow of heated air through simple door gaps has been calculated by use of the relationship. The results show that the flow rate may increase or decrease with temperature depending on gap size and flow region.