FireDOC Search

Home Office
Fire Statistics United Kingdom, 1993.
Home Office, London, England
fire statistics | casualties | building fires | accidents | arson | smoke detectors | false alarms | rescue
review of fire statistics 1983-1993; where fires and casualties occur; causes of accidental building fires; malicious fires; fires discovered by smoke alarms; household fires in England; household fires in Wales
This report presents information on fires and casualties from fires attended by local authority fire brigades in the United Kingdom in 1993. The statistics are compiled from reports submitted to the Home Office on fires attended in an emergency. The 1994 British Crime Survey estimated that fire brigades were called to between 8 and 16 per cent of household fires. This range covers the estimates from both the 1988 and 1992 BCS. Chapter 1 reviews some trends in fire statistics over the period 1983 to 1993, and finalises the provisional data published in the statistical bulletin. Tables 1 to 16 show data for the period 1983-1993, and are located, together with the other tables, towards the end of the report. Chapters 2 to 6 concentrate on the 1993 data showing where fires and casualties from fires occur (chapter 2), causes of accidental building fires (chapter 3), malicious fires (chapter 4), fires discovered by smoke alarms (chapter 5), and a small section on fire false alarms (chapter 6). These chapters refer to the more detailed tables, tables 17 to 62. There is a full index in the contents list followed by a guide to what the tables contain (pages x to xi) as well as a list of comparable tables in previous reports (page xii). The final chapter, number 7 reports on the results from the fifth (1994) British CrimeSurvey. In this, householders were asked about their recent experience of dwelling fires, what types of fires they had, and whether they had called the fire brigade.