- Author
- Wienhold, P. D. | Lennon, A. M. | Roberts, J. C. | Rooney, M. | Kercher, A. K. | Nagle, D. C. | Sorathia, U.
- Title
- Characterization of Carbonized Wood Core for Use in FRP Sandwich Ship Structures.
- Coporate
- Johns Hopkins Univ., Laurel, MD Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD Naval Surface Warfare Center, West Bethesda, MD
- Book or Conf
- Bridging the Centuries With SAMPE's Materials and Processes Technology. Science of Advanced Materials and Process Engineering Series. Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE), 45th International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition. Volume 45. Proceedings. May 21-25, 2000, Long Beach, CA, 1700-1712 p., 2000
- Keywords
- ships | structures | wood | carbonization | flammability testing | cone calorimeters | ASTM E 1354 | ignition time | heat of combustion
- Identifiers
- Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP); test panel description; shear properties of carbonized wood core materials; Vaccum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) process; Seemann Composites Resin Infusion Molding Process (SCRIMP); fabrication of test coupons; mechanical testing