- Author
- Mitchell, M. D.
- Title
- Feasibility of Systematic Recycling of Aircraft Halon Extinguishing Agents. Final Report.
- Coporate
- Walter Kidde Aerospace, Inc., Wilson, NC
- Sponsor
- Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ
- Report
- DOT/FAA/CT-91-21, December 1991, 224 p.
- Distribution
- Available from National Technical Information Service
- Contract
- DTFA03-90-C-00039
- Keywords
- halons | fire extinguishing agents | aircraft safety | recovery | halon 1301 | refrigerants | physical properties | specifications
- Abstract
- This study was performed to determine the feasibility of recycling Halon 1301 extinguishing agent for support of the United States civial aircraft fleet until 2020. Research for this study centered around known relationships of refrigerants; scientific principles of Avogadro, Dalton, Henry, Raoult; and natural physical properties of Halon 1301. Results of this study demonstrate that recovery of halon 1301 to military specification purity requirements is practical. Agent recovery efficiency of 98 percent (minimum) can be expected; and the recovered agent can meet applicable purity requirements, except for a maximum noncondensible gas content of 10 pounds per square inch partial presure at 70 degrees Fahreheit. Support of current and future United States domestic civil fleet until 2020 and beyond requires less than 5 percent of the projected 1994 Halon 1301 bank.