- Author
- Yii, E. H. | Fleischmann, C. M. | Buchanan, A. H.
- Title
- Experimental Study of Fire Comparetment With Door Opening and Roof Opening.
- Coporate
- Arup Fire, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Journal
- Fire and Materials, Vol. 29, No. 5, 315-334, September/October 2005
- Keywords
- roofs | doors | compartment fires | vents | roof vents | flashover | heptane | pool fires | experiments | ventilation | temperature measurements | data reduction | temperature | thermocouples
- Identifiers
- vent flow; roof vent; post-flashover; fire induced vent flows in a reduced-scale post-flashover fire compartment with a door opening and a roof opening; summary data of all six experiments