FireDOC Search

Katz, B. | Cross, R.
Use of Fire Streams to Control Floating Oil.
Alpine Geophysical Associates, Inc., NY
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
EPA-R2-73-113, February 1973, 42 p.
oils | turbulence | hydraulics | piers | velocity | pressure | boats | oil spills | nozzles | training | entrainment | emulsions | fire departments
eddies; anchors; basins; currents (water); harbors; inland waterways; momentum transfer; surface currents; monitor streams; hose steams; booming; herding; rip zone; null current zone
The substantial momentum output of large volume, high pressure water nozzles can be used to establish surface currents which are helpful in controlling floating oil. When these induced currents have components opposite to the ambient current, a turbulent rip zone is established where the opposing currents cancel. It is mainly by means of this zone that oil slicks may be influenced in a useful way. An empirical relationship for the distance between the impact point of the stream and the rip zone, as a function of nozzle output and natural current speed, has been determined and compared with a theoretical prediction based on a simplified model.