- Author
- Keller, J. A.
- Title
- Study of World War II German Fire Fatalities.
- Coporate
- Dikewood, Albuquerque, NM
- Sponsor
- Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
- Report
- DC-TN-1050-3; Work Unit 2611A, April 1966,
- Contract
- OCD-PS-65-53
- Keywords
- fire fatalities | fire storms | casualties | damage | algorithms
- Abstract
- Seventy-one target cities in Germany were subjected to area incendiary raids during World War II. Eighteen cities were selected from this list for analysis. The criterion for selection was that the city was not raided more than twice or that specific data existed for one raid in cases where the city had been raided several times. Damage, casualty, and raid data were obtained for the cities selected for analysis. From these data gross population, attack parameters, city configuration, and fatality estimates were available.