- Author
- Brannigan, V. M. | Buc, E.
- Title
- Forensic Fire Investigation: The Interface of Science, Technology and Law.
- Coporate
- Maryland Univ., College Park Fire and Materials Research Laboratory, LLC, Livonia, MI
- Book or Conf
- Fire and Materials 2009. 11th International Conference. Conference Papers. Proceedings. Organised by Interscience Communications Limited. January 26-28, 2009, Interscience Communications Limited, London, England, San Francisco, CA, 711-722 p., 2009
- Keywords
- fire investigations | fire science | NFPA 921 | data analysis | standards | fire codes
- Identifiers
- Forensic Fire Investigation (FFI); Kumho Tire v Carmichael; Ipse Dixit; process of data collection and inferential analysis; role of scientific evidence; jurdicial fact finding and scientific evidence; problem of Ground Truth; scientific and expert testimony; Hypothetico Deductive Method