- Author
- Stroup, D. W. | Evans, D. D. | Martin, P. M.
- Title
- Evaluating Thermal Fire Detection Systems (SI Units). Final Report.
- Coporate
- National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
- Report
- NBS SP 713, April 1986, 557 p.
- Distribution
- Available from Government Printing Office, Washington, DC
- Keywords
- fire alarm systems | fire detection | fire detection systems | fire hazards assessment | fire protection | fire suppression | heat detectors | sprinkler systems
- Identifiers
- Abstract
- This report presents a methodology for evaluating heat detection systems installed in buildings. Previous work for use primarily in designing new thermal fire detection systems was used as a starting point. The previous work was enhanced and supplemented to make it more useful for evaluating existing systems. The resulting equations were programmed into a user interactive computer program. This program is available in both BASIC and FORTRAN and will run on mainframes as well as personal computers. In addition, a modified version of the FORTRAN program was used to develop an extensive set of tables listing detector activation times for given building geometries, detector characteristics, and fire growth rates. These tables are useful for quick evaluation of alternative heat detector installations. Finally, practical examples are included to illustrate the use of the tables and computer programs.