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Evans, D. D.
view article (1.0)Thermal Actuation of Extinguishing Systems.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDCombustion Science and Technology, Vol. 40, 79-92, 1984NBSIR 83-2807, March 1984, 28 p.National Bureau of Standards/Center for Fire Research. Fire Science for Fire Safety. August 23-25, 1983, Gaithersburg, MD, Levine, R. S.; Pagni, P. J., Editors, 1984Stroup, D. W.; Evans, D. D.; Martin, P. M.
view article (1.0)Evaluating Thermal Fire Detection Systems (English Units). Final Report.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDNBS SP 712, April 1986, 557 p.Schifiliti, R. P.
view article (1.0)Engineering Fire Detector and Sprinkler Response.Fire Data Systems, Inc., Lowell, MASFPE Bulletin, No. 87-2, 1-6, April 1987Hyun, M. K.
view article (1.0)United States of America Before Federal Trade Commission In the Matter of Figgie International, Inc., a Corporation. Initial Decision.Administrative Law JudgeDocket 9166, October 23, 1984, 77 p.Kokkala, M.
view article (1.0)Thermal Properties of Heat Detectors and Sprinklers.Technical Research Centre of Finland, EspooPaper 8,Nordtest Brand Symposium, 1986. May 27, 1986., Boras, Sweden, 1-8 p., 1986Stroup, D. W.; Evans, D. D.; Martin, P. M.
view article (1.0)Evaluating Thermal Fire Detection Systems (SI Units). Final Report.National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MDNBS SP 713, April 1986, 557 p.Luck, H. O.; Deffte, N.
view article (1.0)Dynamic Performance of Pneumatic Tube Type Heat Sensitive Fire Detectors.Duisburg Univ., West GermanyInternational Association for Fire Safety Science. Fire Safety Science. Proceedings. 1st International Symposium. October 7-11, 1985, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., NY, Gaithersburg, MD, Grant, C. E.; Pagni, P. J., Editors, 729-737 p., 1986Hoschke, B. N.; Holcombe, B. V.; Plante, A. M.
view article (1.0)Critical Appraisal of Test Methods for Thermal Protective Clothing Fabrics.CSIRO Division of Textile Physics, New South Wales, AustraliaASTM STP 900,ASTM. Performance of Protective Clothing. 1st International Symposium. ASTM STP 900. July 16-20, 1984, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Raleigh, NC, Barker, R. L.; Coletta, G. C., Editors, 311-326 p., 1984Takemoto, A.
view article (1.0)Response Characteristics of Heat Detectors.Fire Research Inst., Tokyo, JapanUJNR Panel on Fire Research and Safety. 8th Joint Panel Meeting. May 13-21, 1985., Tsukuba, Japan, 763-779 p., 1985Heskestad, G.; Delichatsios, M. A.
view article (1.0)Environments of Fire Detectors. Phase 2. Effect of Ceiling Configuration. Volume 2. Analysis. Final Report.Factory Mutual Research Corp., Norwood, MANational Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD, NBS GCR 78-129, June 1978, 112 p.