FireDOC Search

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Technical Rescue Program Development Manual.
U.S. Fire Administration, Washington, DC
FA 159, August 1995, 252 p.
AVAILABLE FROM: U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), 16825 South Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727. Telephone: 301-447-1000. Website:
rescue | manuals | training | fire fighting equipment | response time | rescue operations
how to form a technical rescue team; funding requirements and potential sources; personnel and staffing; regulations and standards governing technical rescue operations; technical rescue team equipment; technical rescue incident command and safety; technical rescue mutual aid; National Urban Search and Rescue Response system
Fire departments across the United States have assumed a major role as primary responders to rescue incidents that involve, among other things, structural collapse, trench cave-in, confined spaces, industrial and agricultural machinery, water emergencies, and people trapped above or below grade level. These emergencies are grouped into a category of rescue called technical rescue. Technical rescue incidents are often complex, requiring specially trained personnel and special equipment to complete the mission. Natural forces such as earth tremors, precipitation, temperature extremes, and swift water currents often complicate technical rescue incidents. the presence of flammable vapors and toxic chemicals can also increase the level of risk. The safety of crews conducting technical rescue operations is of special concern. This manual provdes guidance on how to form a technical rescue team.