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Avedisian, C. T.
Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation Within Liquids: A Review.
Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY
HTD-Vol. 197,
Book or Conf
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Two-Phase Flow and Heat Tranfers, 1992. National Heat Transfer Conference, 28th. HTD-Vol. 197. August 9-12, 1992, ASME, New York, San Diego, CA, Kim, J. H.; Nelson, R. A.; Hashemi, A., Editors, 73-82 p., 1992
nucleation | molecular structure | bubbles | equations | heat transfer
In this paper the process of bubble nucleation within liquids that is based on overcoming the cohesive forces which hold together the liquid molecular structure is reviewed, and a few applications under which it is likely to be important are discussed. For this case, nucleation is termed "homogeneous" or "spontaneous". Homogeneous nucleation may occur within the bulk of a liquid, at the interface between two liquids in intimate contact, or at a solid surface that is completely wetted by a liquid. The term "heterogeneous" nucleation is commonly used with respect to the latter two situations. In this review, however, the term heterogeneous nucleation will only be used to refer to nucleation by gases trapped in cavities. Nucleation from gases trapped within surface irregularities has been discussed in several excellent reviews (e.g., Cole 1974, van Stralen and Cole 1979, Collier 1981). Two applications in which homogeneous nucleation may be relevant are the following: 1) two-phase flows during rapid decompression within heated channels or tubes, and 2) vapor explosions.