FireDOC Search

King, M. W. | Menzies, R. W. | Soroka, A. J. | Dirks, E. | Chen, R. | Sun, Y.
Evaluating the TPP of Clothing Exposed to Electric Arcs: A Standard Laboratory Test Apparatus.
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Wilmington, DE
ASTM STP 1133,
Book or Conf
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Performance of Protective Clothing: Challenges for Developing Protective Clothing for the 1990s. Fourth (4th) Volume. ASTM STP 1133. June 18-20, 1991, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, Montreal, Canada, McBriarty, J. P.; Henry, N. W., Editors, 221-236 p., 1991
protective clothing | flashover | heat flux | thermal protection
Manitoba Electric Arc TPP (MEAT) Tester; electric arcs; heat measurement; protection time; radiant heat flux