FireDOC Search

Gail, S. | Thomson, M. J. | Sarathy, S. M. | Syed, S. A. | Dagaut, P. | Dievart, P. | Marchese, A. J. | Dryer, F. L.
Wide-Ranging Kinetic Modeling Study of Methyl Butanoate Combustion.
Toronto Univ., Ont., Canada M5S 3G8 CNRS, Laboratoire de Combustion et Systèmes Ré actifs, 45071 Orléans cedex 2, France Rowan Univ., Glassboro, NJ Princeton Univ., NJ
Volume 31; Part 1,
Book or Conf
Combustion Institute, Symposium (International) on Combustion, 31st. Proceedings. Volume 31. Part 1. August 5-11, 2006, Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, Heidelberg, Germany, Barlow, R. S.; Sick, V.; Glarborg, P.; Yetter, R. A., Editors, 305-311 p., 2007
combustion | reaction kinetics | methyl butanoate | oxidation | biodiesel | kinetics | biofuels | fuels | reaction rate
jet stirred reactor (JSR); variable pressure flow reactor (VPFR); reactions rate constants modified; CO2 production, in %, as a function of the temperature, the reactor and the reactions participating