- Author
- Butler, C. P.
- Title
- Operation Flambeau: Civil Defense Experiment and Support Eyewitness Accounts of a Mass Fire. Final Report.
- Coporate
- Naval Radiological Defense Lab., San Francisco, CA
- Sponsor
- Office of Civil Defense, Washington, DC
- Report
- NRDL-TR-69; OCD Work Unit No. 2561B, May 1969, 65 p.
- Contract
- DAHC20-67-C-0149
- Keywords
- Flambeau Operation | civil defense | mass fires | fire hazards | forest fires | urban fires
- Abstract
- Seven men, skilled in fire research were stationed around the periphery of FLAMBEAU FIRE 760-12 and recorded visual impressions of its magnitude. Their testimony furnishes indices of fire severity which is available to officials immediately. At each of the times when eyewitness accounts are given, instrumental data were taken both inside the fire zone and outside, so that visual magnitudes of this mass fire may be compared with its measured physical parameters.