FireDOC Search

Miles, S. | Shipp, M. | Purser, D.
Smoke Schemes.
Fire Engineers Journal, Vol. 64, No. 241 / Fire Prevention, No. 377, 45-48, February 2004
smoke hazards | smoke control | smoke inhalation | ventilation | exhaust systems | pressure differential | design applications | computer models | maintenance
smoke management systems; smoke exhaust ventilation; design guidance and calculations; physical modeling; CONTAM; SES for tunnels; Available Safe Egress Time (ASET); CFAST (Consolidated Fire growth And Smoke Transport); JASMINE; walking speed in smoke; visual obscuration; commissioning and hot smoke tests; design, best practice and maintenance issues; application of mechanical smoke exhaust ventilation in a shopping mall; application of the JASMINE CFD model to an airport terminal, coupled to the CRISP evacuation model