- Author
- Su, J. Z. | Kim, A. K. | Mawhinney, J. R.
- Title
- Review of Total Flooding Gaseous Agents as Halon 1301 Substitutes.
- Coporate
- National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
- Journal
- Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 2, 45-64, 1996
- Keywords
- halon 1301 | halon alternatives | environmental effects | toxicity | fire suppression | small scale fire tests | large scale fire tests | physical properties
- Identifiers
- Halon Alternatives Performance Evaluation (HAPE); total flooding gaseous agents; toxic and environmental data, and fire suppression characteristics for some of the total flooding agents; physical properties for some of the total flooding agents; selective data on halon replacement concentrations, HF and COF2 levels during suppression tests and toxicity data