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Pfrang, E. O.
Performance Testing of a Low-Cost Housing System.
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC
NBS BSS 001, January 1970,
Book or Conf
National Bureau of Standards. Performance of Buildings - Concept and Measurement. Proceedings of the 1st Conference in a Series of Conferences on Man and His Shelter. September 23-25, 1968, Gaithersburg, MD, Walton, W. W.; Cadoff, B. C., Editors, 49-57 p., 1970
building design | housing | planning | costs | performance evaluation | tests
As the title of this talk indicates, I will be discussing the full-scale performance testing of the Neal Mitchell Housing System mentioned in the previous talk. However, rather than interpreting my remarks in terms of this particular system I would prefer that you view them in terms of the general problem of the performance evaluation of innovative building systems. It is easier to speak in terms of a specific example to demonstrate what we mean by performance evaluation.