FireDOC Search

Zeuch, T. | Moreac, G. | Ahmed, S. S. | Mauss, F.
Comprehensive Skeletal Mechanism for the Oxidation of n-Heptane Generated by Chemistry-Guided Reduction.
Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Tammannstraße 6, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Renault, 1, avenue du Golf, 78288 Guyancourt cedex, France Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Sielower Straße 12, 03044 Cottbus, Germany
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 155, No. 4, 651-674, December 2008
heptane | oxidation | reduced mechanisms | kinetics | hydrocarbons | experiments | high temperature | isomers | shock tubes | validation | autoignition | sensitivity analysis | simulation | laminar flames | premixed flames | specifications
Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI); chemistry-guided reduction (CGR) formalism; chemical lumping; skeletal mechanism; reaction classes of the n-heptane oxidation mechanism; chemistry-guided reduction approach; species eliminated in the high-temperature base mechanism with maximum necessities; species eliminated in the n-heptane oxidation mechanism (including the low-temperature carbonyl chemistry) with maximum necessities; Princeton variable-pressure-flow reactor; jet-stirred reactor (JSR); HCCI engine specifications; laminar premixed fuel-rich n-heptane-air flame; validation of the C1-C4 chemistry