- Author
- Zeuch, T. | Moreac, G. | Ahmed, S. S. | Mauss, F.
- Title
- Comprehensive Skeletal Mechanism for the Oxidation of n-Heptane Generated by Chemistry-Guided Reduction.
- Coporate
- Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Tammannstraße 6, 37077 Göttingen, Germany Renault, 1, avenue du Golf, 78288 Guyancourt cedex, France Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik und Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Sielower Straße 12, 03044 Cottbus, Germany
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 155, No. 4, 651-674, December 2008
- Keywords
- heptane | oxidation | reduced mechanisms | kinetics | hydrocarbons | experiments | high temperature | isomers | shock tubes | validation | autoignition | sensitivity analysis | simulation | laminar flames | premixed flames | specifications
- Identifiers
- Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI); chemistry-guided reduction (CGR) formalism; chemical lumping; skeletal mechanism; reaction classes of the n-heptane oxidation mechanism; chemistry-guided reduction approach; species eliminated in the high-temperature base mechanism with maximum necessities; species eliminated in the n-heptane oxidation mechanism (including the low-temperature carbonyl chemistry) with maximum necessities; Princeton variable-pressure-flow reactor; jet-stirred reactor (JSR); HCCI engine specifications; laminar premixed fuel-rich n-heptane-air flame; validation of the C1-C4 chemistry