- Author
- Koda, S. | Maeda, K. | Sugimoto, K. | Sugiyama, M.
- Title
- Oxidation Reactions of Solid Carbon in Supercritical Water.
- Coporate
- Sophia Univ., Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Univ., Japan
- Journal
- Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 178, No. 1-3, 487-507, January/March 2006
- Keywords
- water | supercritical water | oxidation | carbon | reaction mechanisms | mass transfer | kinetics | heterogeneous reactions | reaction rate | temperature | equations
- Identifiers
- supercritical water oxidation (SCWO); importance of SCWO of solid substances; modeling efforts of heterogeneous reactions coupled with mass transfer; observation of carbon particle SCWO and the kinetic analysis; properties of the carbon particles; experimental results and their analysis