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Simiu, E. | Frey, M. R. | Hagwood, C.
Melnikov Necessary Condition for Noise-Induced Escapes.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA
Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC
ONR-GRANT-N00014-94-0028 ONR-GRANT-N00014-94-0284
Book or Conf
International Association for Civil Engineering Reliability and Risk Analysis (CERRA). International Conference on ICASP, 7th Proceedings. Applications of Statistics and Probability. Civil Engineering Reliability and Risk Analysis. July 10-13, 1995, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Paris, France, Lemaire, M.; Favre, J. L.; Mebarki, A., Editors, 1137-1142 p., 1995
noise (sound) | Melnikov function | equations | escape means
dynamical systems; Melnikov functions and processes; upper bound for mean exit rate; systems with noise having tail-limited marginal distrubution
For a wide class of nonlinear multistable deterministic systems, a necessary condition for the occurrence of chaos - and jumps between phase space regions associated with potential wells - is that the system's Melnikov function have simple zeros. The work presented in this paper is based on our extension of the Melnikov-based approach to a class of nonlinear stochastic differential equations with additive or multiplicative noise. The mean zero upcrossing rate for the stochastic system's Melnikov process is a weak upper bound for the system's mean escape rate. For systems excited by processes with tail-limited distributions the stochastic Melnikov approach yields a simple criterion guaranteeing the non-occurrence of chaos. This is illustrated for excitation by square wave, coin-toss dichotomous noise.