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  • Simiu, E.; Hagwood, C.
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    Exits in Second-Order Nonlinear Systems Driven by Dichotomous Noise.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA,
    Computation of Stochastic Mechanics, 2nd International Conference. Proceedings. June 13-15, 1994, Balkema, Rotterdam, Athens, Greece, Spanos, P. D., Editors, 395-401 p., 1995

  • Simiu, E.; Frey, M. R.; Hagwood, C.
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    Melnikov Necessary Condition for Noise-Induced Escapes.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA
    Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC,
    International Association for Civil Engineering Reliability and Risk Analysis (CERRA). International Conference on ICASP, 7th Proceedings. Applications of Statistics and Probability. Civil Engineering Reliability and Risk Analysis. July 10-13, 1995, A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, Paris, France, Lemaire, M.; Favre, J. L.; Mebarki, A., Editors, 1137-1142 p., 1995

  • Frey, M. R. R.; Simiu, E.
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    Phase Space Transport and Control of Escape From a Potential Well.
    Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
    Physica D, Vol. 95, 128-143, 1996

  • Simiu, E.; Frey, M. R. R.
    view article (1.0)

    Noise-Induced Sensitivity to Initial Conditions.
    National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD; Bucknell Univ., Lewisburg, PA
    Office of Naval Research, Washington, DC,
    Fluctuations and Order: The New Synthesis. Proceedings. Chapter 6. 1996, Springer, New York, NY, Millonas, M., Editors, 81-90 p., 1996