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Rossiter, W. J., Jr. | Cullen, W. C. | Mathey, R. G.
U.S. Postal Service Roofing Practices.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD William C. Cullen Associates, Potomac, MD
Postal Service, Washington, DC
NBSIR 85-3275, November 1985, 109 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
roofs | construction | design | low sloped roofing | maintenance | material selection | repair | review | quality control
This report reviews the roofing practices of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The USPS has direct responsibility for the design, construction, and maintenance of abour 100 million ft² of roofing. In addition, it leases buildings having approximately an equal amount of roof area. The approach taken was to obtain information on USPS roofing practices which could be used as a data base for judging strengths, weaknesses, and identifying problems. The primary sources of data were: discussions with USPS personnel; discussions with individuals who provide roofing services to USPS; review of USPS roofing documents; results of the distribution of questionnaires to USPS staff; and the determination of training requirements for those involved with roofing. The review was divided between two major phases of USPS roofing construction practice. One part involved design, materials, and construction, and the other involved inspection, maintenance, and repair. The primary topics addressed with regard to the review on design and construction were general design considerations, training, responsibility, material selection, and quality control during construction. With regard to maintenance and repair, the review included general considerations, frequency of inspections, responsibility, training, maintenance guidelines and manuals, repairs and when they are conducted, and inspection and maintenance records. The advantages and limitations of the USPS roofing practices were given, and will form the basis of recommendations for improving USPS roofing practices.