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Fuller, S. K. | Petersen, S. R.
Life-Cycle Costing Workshop for Energy Conservation in Buildings: Student Manual.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
Department of Energy, Washington, DC
NISTIR 5165-98, April 1998, 200 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
energy conservation | costs | manuals | economics | computer programs | risk analysis | economic analysis
Life-Cycle Cost (LCC); Building Life-Cycle Cost (BLCC) computer program; economics can improve decisions; what you need to get started; adjusting cash amounts to present value; calculating life-cycle costs; BLCC computer program; calculating supplementary economic measures; evaluating efficiency levels and design alternatives; allocating investment funding among competing projects; using the BLCC quick input program (QI); dealing with uncertainty and risk in LCC analysis
This report supersedes NISTIR 5165-97a This Student Manual for the "Life-Cycle Costing Workshop for Energy Conservation in Buildings" is a workbook for a two-day course on life-cycle cost (LCC) analysis developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). The methodology and procedures in this manual are consistent with 10 CFR part 436 and its amendments, which provide guidelines for the economic analysis of investments in energy conservation and renewable resources for federal buildings. The purpose of the workshop is to provide energy managers with the knowledge and skills they need to perform economic analyses of capital investments in energy conservation quickly and correctly. The analytical methodology presented is equally useful to government and private sector investments. Under the sponsorship of FEMP, the Office of Applied Economics (OAE) at NIST has conducted this workshop for both government and private sector participants several times each year for the past 10 years in various locations throughout the United States, as well as in Europe and Korea. Starting in 1995, FEMP and NIST have been encouraging "FEMP-qualified" LCC instructors to teach this same course, using this student manual as the basis of the course curriculum. The use of "FEMP-qualified" LCC instructors for this purpose can greatly expand the usage of LCC methodology to evaluate the cost effectiveness of energy conservation projects in the United States, both in government and in the private sector. This Student Manual is organized into 10 teaching modules and provides hard copies of the visual materials (slides) that are presented in each module. These visual materials are updated annually to reflect changes in the federal discount rate and projected energy price escalation rates used in federal LCC analyses of energy cosnervation projects. The visual materials are shown in the order that they are presented, in order to facilitate note taking by the students. Review materials for each module are presented at the end of the module, as well as an exercise based on the lecture. We recommend that the students work in small groups to solve these exercises rather than working individually.