- Author
- MacGregor, J. G.
- Title
- Design of Beams, Deep Beams, and Corbels for Shear--ACI 318-71 and Revisions Proposed by ACI Committee 426.
- Report
- SP-59-5,
- Book or Conf
- American Concrete Institute, Comite Euro-International du Beton, Prestressed Concrete Institute, Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte. Concrete Design: U.S. and European Practices. 1976 ACI Annual Convention. CEB Bulletin 113. ACI Publication SP-59. 1976, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI, Philadelphia, PA, 71-91 p., 1976
- Keywords
- building codes | prestressed concretes | reinforced concretes | shear strength | structural design
- Identifiers
- axial loads; beams (supports); corbels; deep beams