FireDOC Search

Xiao, B.
Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Results of Fire Induced Doorway Flows.
Tyco Fire Suppression and Building Products, Marinette, WI
Book or Conf
Suppression and Detection Research Application: A Technical Working Conference. SUPDET 2009. Proceedings. Fire Protection Research Foundation. Feburary 24-27, 2009, Orlando, FL, 74-85 p., 2009
fire suppression | fire detection | doorways | vents | sprinkler activation | compartment fires | computational fluid dynamics | fire tests | thermal properties | construction materials | specific heat | thermal conductivity | mass flow | flow rate | velocity | fire spread | temperature profiles | sprinklers | free burning fires | sprinkler systems | mass flow | Crocker's experiments
Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS); changes to vent flow when a sprinkler activates; fire in a three dimesnional room with an open doorway; thermal properties of construction materials used in FDS; grid resolution; freeburn test results; Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)