FireDOC Search

Rogsch, C. | Schadschneider, A. | Seyfried, A.
Simulation of Human Movement by Cellular Automata Models Using Different Update Schemes.
Institute for Building Material Technology and Fire Safety Science, Wuppertal, Germany Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
Book or Conf
Human Behavior in Fire. International Symposium, 4th. Proceedings. July 13-15, 2009, Interscience Communications Ltd., London, England, Cambridge, UK, 543-548 p., 2009
human behavior | evacuation | people movement | simulation | investigations | geometry | corridors | rooms | evacuation time | wayfinding
'pedestrian motion'; modeling evacuation dynamics by Cellular Automata (CA); setup order to move pedestrians; find a destination cell for each pedestrian; move each pedestrian; remove pedestrians from the system if they reach an exit; check if pedestrians are still in the system; Ordered Sequential Update (front to back)