- Author
- Nishioka, M. | Ishigami, Y. | Horii, H. | Umeda, Y. | Nakamura, Y.
- Title
- NOx Reduction Mechanism of a Methane-Air Smithells Flame.
- Coporate
- Tsukuba Univ., Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Toho Gas Co., Ltd., Tokai, Aichi 476-8501, Japan
- Journal
- Combustion and Flame, Vol. 147, No. 1/2, 93-107, October 2006
- Keywords
- nitrogen oxides | methane | air | laminar flames | diffusion flames | premixed flames | kinetics | experiments | combustion | equations | stability | emissions | temperature | flame structure
- Identifiers
- methane-air Smithells flame; two-staged combustion; deoxidation; stability region and emission index of NOx; comparison of the axial distributions of temperature and NOx between experiment and calculations; two-dimensional flame structure and NOx formation behavior; deoxidizing effect on NOx in the interconal region of Smithells flame; suppression of the initiation reaction of Zeldovich NO; quantitative evaluation of the reductions of Zeldovich NOx and non-Zeldovich NOx