FireDOC Search

Wade, C.
Room Fire Model Incorporating Fire Growth on Combustible Lining Materials.
Worcester Polytechnic Inst., MA
Thesis, April 1996, 181 p.
room fires | fire models | fire growth | combustibles | computer models | fire hazards | fire safety | fire spread | flame spread | hazard assessment | material properties | smoke | smoke layers | zone models | linings
This study describes the development of a computer fire model BRANZFIRE intended for evaluating the performance and hazard associated with combustible room lining materials. It comprises a single-room zone model fully integrated or coupled with a concurrent flow flame spread and fire growth model applicable to a room-corner fire scenario. The latter models use fire property data obtained from a cone calorimeter as input. Two different methods for obtaining this data are compared. The computer model is compared with some available experimental data and with other fire models with reasonable agreement. It is concluded that the model has the potential to differentiate the fire hazards associated with different combustible walls and ceilings in enclosures using as ound scientific approach.