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Subbotin, V. I. | Sorokin, D. N. | Ovechkin, D. M. | Kudryavisev, A. P.
Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Boiling of Metals.
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD
NASA TT F-620, June 1971, 190 p.
metals | natural convection | heat transfer | heat transmission | temperature measurements | installations | experiments | evaporation | alkali metals | pressure | free convection | nucleation
methods of investigtion of heat exchange during boiling of metals and experimental apparatus; critical heat flows; certain problems in the physics of boiling of metals
This book presents original data produced by the authors at the Physics and Energy Institute, plus analyses of publications on heat transfer and critical heat flow during the boiling of alkali metals and mercury under conditions of firee convection. For a better understanding of the mechanism of boiling in general, a comparison is performed of the processes of boiling of metals and non-metallic liquids. In their investigation of heat transfer in the boiling of metals, the authors used electronic heating, making it possible to produce practically unlimited specific heat flows; x-ray irradiation (for visual observation of the boiling process); microthermocouples (for measurement of the temperature of the heat liberating wall, fluid and vapor) and high-speed secondary devices (for investigation of changes in temperature with time).