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Sheppard, D. T.
Sprinkler, Smoke and Heat Vent, Draft Curtain Interaction: Heptane Burner Tests and Commodity Tests. Technical Report. International Fire Sprinkler-Smoke and Heat Vent-Draft Curtain Fire Test Project.
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL
Technical Report, April 1998, 43 p.
heptanes | burners | draft curtains | sprinkler systems | sprinklers | smoke vents | vents | air flow | large scale fire tests | ceilings | temperature | test facilities | pallet storage | plastics | ceiling vents | damage
The following report describes tests conducted by Underwriters Laboratories for The National Fire Protection Research Foundation (NFPRF). The purpose of the tests was to investigate the interaction of fire sprinklers, heat/smoke vents and draft curtains. This is the second test report produced for this project. The first report was published in May 1997. The tests consisted of burning fires below a flat smooth ceiling in which sprinklers, draft curtains, and heat/smoke vents were installed. The sprinkler and heat vent activation times were recorded as well as temperatures near the ceiling and smoke obscuration. The test program consisted of two series of tests in the same test facility. In the first series, twelve tests were conducted with growing fires using a heptane spray burner. In the second series, five tests were conducted with a rack storage configuration of Group A plastic. The test program was directed by the NFPRF's Technical Advisory Committee. The project manager for this project was Dr. McGrattan from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This report describes the test configuration used and the results obtained.