- Author
- Eckbreth, A. C. | Bonczyk, P. A. | Shirley, J. A.
- Title
- Investigation of Saturated Laser Fluorescence and CARS Spectroscopic Techniques for Combustion Diagnostics.
- Coporate
- United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT
- Sponsor
- Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
- Report
- EPA-600/7-78-104; EHE624, June 1978, 153 p.
- Contract
- 68-02-2176
- Keywords
- pollution | combustion | lasers | radicals
- Abstract
- The report gives results of comparisons of saturated laser-excited molecular fluorescence measurements of CH and CN in atmospheric pressure acetylene flames with absorption measurements of these flame radicals. It was found possible to saturate the fluorescence intensity of both CH and CN with readily achieved levels of laser spectral intensity (1000,000 to 1 million watts per square centimeter-reciprocal centimeter). Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (CARS) thermometry investigations were conducted on flame nitrogen in a variety of flames, including highly sooting propane diffusion flames. CARS species sensitivity was addressed in a study of CO detectability.