FireDOC Search

Benjamin, I. A. | Davis, S.
Flammability Testing for Carpet. Final Report.
National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD
Fire Technology, Vol. 15, No. 3, 189-194, August 1979
NBSIR 78-1436, April 1978, 13 p.
Available from National Technical Information Service
carpets | fire growth | flammability | flooring radiant panel test | tests
As use of carpet has increased in recent years, more and more attention has been focused on different test methods for measuring its flammability. The carpet industry, as well as regulatory agencies have been working on test procedures which would provide consumer protection and not be overly burdensome. All carpet sold in this country must pass the "pill test." The pill test provides "first-to-ignite" protection for carpet flooring systems located within rooms or undivided building spaces. Criteria have been rpoposed using the new Flooring Radiant Panel Test which provide equivalent safety to that level provided by the Life Safety Code. The Flooring Radiant Panel Test is both reproducible and related to "real world" performance. This publication explains the freatures of this test.