FireDOC Search

Ferraris, S. | Wen, J. X. | Hume, B. | Fay, J. | Bosley, K.
Computer Modeling of Basement Fires.
Kingston Univ., London, England Fire and Resilience Directorate, London, England
Volume 1,
Book or Conf
Interflam 2007. (Interflam '07). International Interflam Conference, 11th Proceedings. Volume 1. September 3-5, 2007, London, England, 517-529 p., 2007
basements | computer models | fire fighters | ventilation | backdraft | ignition | fire tests | test methods | experiments | numerical simulation | vents | wind effects | fire load | time lag | doors | leakage | computational fluid dynamics
enclosed ventilation-controlled fire; re-ignition following the vent/door opening after an under-ventilated fire has died down; using doors and pavement lights during firefighting and rescue; percentage of hatch opening; Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS); conditions before the vent was opened; effect of the wind conditions; influence of fire load and delay times before opening the hatch on the re-ignition process; influence of door and vent opening on the re-ignition process; effect of leakages on the re-ignition process