FireDOC Search

Su, J. Z. | Benichou, N. | Bwalya, A. C. | Lougheed, G. D. | Taber, B. C. | Leroux, P. | Proulx, G. | Kashef, A. | McCartney, C. | Thomas, J. R.
Fire Performance of Houses. Phase I. Study of Unprotected Floor Assemblies in Basement Fire Scenarios. Summary Report.
National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario
IRC-RR-252, December 2008, 55 p.
housing | floors | scenarios | building construction | doors | occupants | evacuation | fire tests | smoke detectors | tenability analysis | structural response | temperature | instruments | toxic gases | smoke | incapacitation | heat exposure | construction materials | carbon monoxide | carbon dioxide | oxygen
closed basement doorway; open basement doorway; fuel package; unprotected floor assemblies; fire development; smoke alarm response; visual obscuration by smoke; estimation of time to incapacitation; bench- and medium-scale calorimetric tests; ventilation and doorway opening conditions
With the advent of new materials and innovative construction products and systems for use in construction of houses, there is a need to understand what impacts these materials and products will have on occupant life safety under fire conditions and a need to develop a technical basis for the evaluation of their fire performance. To address these needs, the Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes (CCBFC) and the Canadian Commission on Construction Materials Evaluation (CCCME) requested the National Research Council of Canada Institute for Research in Construction (NRC-IRC) to undertake research into fires in single-family houses to determine factors that affect the life safety of occupants.