FireDOC Search

International Fire Service Training Association
Test Preparation Guide for Essentials of Fire Fighting. Based on the IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th Edition.
International Fire Service Training Association, Stillwater, OK
Test Preparation Guide, 1998, 185 p.
fire fighting | fire fighters | fire behavior | building construction | protective equipment | fire extinguishers | ropes | rescue | extrication | ladders | ventilation | water supply | fire hoses | fire suppression | fire detection systems | fire alarm systems | fire departments | communication networks | fire prevention | education
fire fighter orientation and safety; portable extinguishers; ropes and knots; forcible entry; ground ladders; fire streams; loss control; protecting evidence for fire cause determination; public fire education
All of the questions in the Davis Test Preparation Guides are in the multiple-choice format. Working through these Guides will assist the student in preparing for promotional and certification testing examinations. FPP produces a line of more detailed Study Guides, and it is recommended that students use these during the courses of study and then use the Davis Test Preparation Guides to ensure that they are ready to successfully complete their examinations.